Hi everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying the lovely sunny weather, and looking forward to Christmas / New Year celebrations!

Just a few important notices and updates for you all:

Working Bee: The Committee is organising a working bee for Sunday 16 February 2025. This is a great chance for everyone to help around the clubhouse/range, meet your fellow members, and even pick up some new skills! We will be sending out a tasklist and schedule closer to the time, but please save the date in your calendars.

Learning Compound: We are also looking at growing our compound community, and the Committee would like to start by seeing how many existing members are interested in learning how to shoot compound. If you are interested in giving compound a try, please fill out the Expression of Interest form: Shooting Compound – Expression of Interest

Novice & Youth Shoots: Siu-Ling and Sophie will be taking a well-deserved rest from 29 December-19 January inclusive, so Novice and Youth Shoots will not happen during this time. They will recommence these sessions on 26 January 2024.

Membership Cards: Your membership cards are available from the lockbox containing the sign-in sheet/sunscreen. Please come down during scheduled shoots, or anytime a target keyholder is present, to collect your membership cards. Range Captains may ask for proof of membership (we have had issues in the past with non-members turning up to shoot). If your membership card is missing, please email me to get one made for you.

2025 Shoot Schedule: Please find here the 2025 Shoot Schedule: 2025 Shoot Schedule . Please note that this is subject to change once the ADAA600 and other events are scheduled, and will be updated accordingly.

Sunday Shoot Trial: We are running a trial to look at the possibility of adding another club shoot to our schedule. Every Sunday from 12 Jan-9 Feb (inclusive), we will hold a Sunday Shoot from 2pm-4pm. The clubhouse will be open as per Saturday club shoots. Based on how many people turn up, we may look at adding this as another regular club shoot. Thank you to the keyholders who have volunteered to run these  sessions!

Clubhouse Chores: Please continue to sign up for chores to help around the clubhouse. The club runs on volunteers and everyone needs to do their part. The roster for Dec-March is posted on the bow cupboard now.

That’s all from us. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year!